about me

Welcome!!!!  Thank you for checking out my blog.  My name is Kari and I am in love with the lens.  My love for photography started after I had my first son, Kaleb.  I just couldn't resist taking pictures of my little guy.  I enjoyed coming up with creative ways to snap a picture of him.  I did have one sad moment of looking back at his 1 year birthday party and realizing I didn't take one photo because I was too busy with the hussle and bussel of getting things ready, entertaining the guests and attending to his every need and desire that day.  So, what do you do when you have one of those ah-ha moments......create something good out of it.  I started snapping photos at parties I went to, special events in our lives and just plain everyday snapshots of how he was growing.....I didn't want to miss a moment.  My love of photography got even stronger when our second son Blake was born. I soon realized that I wanted to document their lives in an unforgettable way.  (not to mention my mom loves getting pictures).  I continue to practice and learn new methods of photography in order to perfect my skills.  I love helping families and couples perserve their memories for life and I am excited to be on this photography journey.  I can't wait to see where it leads me!!!